Saturday, May 30, 2020

Wandroid#4 Level 5 Map

X = 0, Y = 19: New Products!!  ** Ogre Hammer ** Is now on sale!  Is it all right by such equipment?  *Boltac's Trading Post*  (You can use the Mordor's Charge card.)

X = 8, Y = 5:  You found The Book in a room. You got [Level5 Cooking book]

X = 16, Y = 15:  Down Stairs. OK or Cancel.  (It's actually Stairs up)

X = 5, Y = 17:  There are people of the desert turbaned in the room.  [Welcome!  Here Abdul's Taxi !  You can go to B1 floor at 1000 gold.  Do you use?]

X = 16, Y = 2:  From the other side of the dooe, you heard the groan of the devil.

X = 16, Y = 1:  The devil who wore scorching flame in the body attacked you!
                           Monster Encountered!

(When Balrog is defeated:  You got [Orb of Silmaril]


  1. There are no stairs down to Level 6 from here. The stairs down to Level 6 are actually on Level 4.

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