Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Non-Immortality of Souls Draft

If Eternal Recurrence is approximate, then souls MUST be destructible and creatable. Logic requires it! If Eternal Recurrence is identical, then souls MUST be immortal, and salvation MUST be 100%. This distinction has ferocious implications on a person's belief system (notably Halsey's), primarily when it concerns biblical beliefs and notions of the rapture. Because if Eternal Recurrence is identical, then the Bible cannot be correct, as the salvation of the Elect and some unnumbered few would result in the next occurrence of Reality starting with fewer souls than this one ended with, and souls will need to be created in order for the next occurrence to end with the same number of souls that this one did. The conclusion is that if souls can be created, then they can be destroyed, and immortality doesn't permit such a notion. However, if Eternal Recurrence is approximate, and souls are creatable and destructible, then notions of conditional salvation and the Second Death are logically permitted, because this occurrence of Reality could end with the Elect and some unnumbered few being saved, the rest being left unsaved or facing the Second Death (destroyed), and then the concluding number of souls would need to be created in the next occurrence of Reality. The conclusion here is the if souls were immortal and uncreatable, then salvation would have to be 100% so that the next occurrence of Reality could start AND end with the same number of souls that existed in the last occurrence of Reality. The other reason that approximate Eternal Recurrence requires souls to be creatable and destructible is the permutation problem. All variations of all events MUST occur according to the maxim "Everything that is possible has therefore already occurred." This means that in some occurrences of Reality, Maynard manages to save most of the souls (losing some to non-capture or damage), or the Rapture-like event happens and only the 144,000 and "some unnumbered few," or even both events fail resulting in NO souls being saved. In either of these variations, souls will need to be created so that future occurrences of Reality will have souls to populate the Universe with sentient beings. Permutation requires that each of these variations MUST occur at least once.

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